My Mom is amazing, I'm sure I've said that before but, you know, I feel like I can't say it enough.
There are many reasons but today I'm talking about my Mom the career woman.
My Mom put her career on the back burner when we were young and was home everyday until I was old enough to be home alone.
She still worked part time {which I only recently found out since it never affected us} but did so when my Dad could be home.
She never did go back to full time though, she was always so committed to making our home and our childhood memories beautiful.
{Not that this can't be done working full time all you fabulous full timer Moms.}
Even as a part time dietician though she has changed lives.
I have sat in lectures she has given to my own colleagues and felt so proud that I wanted to yell "That's my Mom!" at the end.
Don't fret, I managed to hold it together.
She has also been doing appearances on television for a while and in the last 2 years has started to post the topics on her blog {my Mom has a blog and yes, that makes her cooler than yours ;)}.
Anyways, the other day she asked for a couple pictures for her most recent post which prompted me to finally get some pictures of our little garden.

It's not a big garden but we love it and this is the first year that the kids have actually been helpful in the process.
Read: Not trampling, throwing seeds randomly, ripping out seedlings and overwatering.
Don't get me wrong, all of that still happens from time to time but I'm also becoming a lot more apathetic forgiving.
I am also realizing how resilient plants really are.
We are just now starting the picking process since besides the lettuce and spinach we have some long growing times.
Our strawberry plants came back from last year but produced all of 5 strawberries.
Our peas and beans have however been great snacking plants.
We're waiting patiently on our zucchini, beets, carrots, pumpkins and Kale {which I planted super late}.
Our future plan is to take advantage of all the sun we get in the front and have an edible front yard since it's not otherwise useful to us being on a major street.
{I planted tomato plants in our front yard planter box this year and they are now basically small trees.}
In the meantime we are enjoying the little plot in the back.
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